Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How to Expertly Sell a Losing Position

Let’s say you’re a stockholder who wants to sell your stock for whatever reasons - usually the reason is that your stock is losing its value- but can’t fathom selling your stock at a time when losses might be larger. There are certain rules and regulations that if followed by traders can lead to great profits rather than selling at a loss.

Having a Compliant Selling Strategy
When choosing a suitable selling strategy, the nature of the company needs to be taken into consideration, there are many different types of investors with many different objectives and not all those objectives can be achieved all together- compromise must always be made. General strategies cannot always be used like the pricing strategy when other strategies such as the stop-loss strategy can be employed, however the stop-loss strategy has the tendency to become less and less useful as the investment time frame extends itself.

The 3 Fundamental Questions
To learn more about yourself as a trader and your investing style, you need first answer the three fundamental questions the first being why you bought the stock in the first place, what changed since then and whether or not that change alters your reasons for investing in the company. If your stock has gone down in price there is probably a reason why, you need to pinpoint that reason and understand how that affects the way in which you trade and why you trade with a specific company.

- See more at: https://goo.gl/Re34oQ

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